Cogito Ergo Sum

Singing at the center of your soul, Long may you dance across your inner stage, Regarding neither rectitude nor rage, Pursuing neither destiny nor goal Be, then, whatever person time will tell. Do what reason and the heart deem good. Take whatever will or fortune would, Always west of heaven, east of hell. Lets Blog On !!

Monday, December 25, 2006


Well...'Tis the season to be jolly, a Ho Ho and a belly full of jelly to all of you : )

I wonder how many of us know what Christmas is really about, or that it actually has nothing to do with the Christian faith as such;but that it really is an American celebration.
And since its an American tune,we all dance to it,naturally.

It is unknown exactly when or why December 25 became associated with Jesus' birth. The New Testament does not give a specific date.
This date is nine months after the traditional date of the Incarnation (March 25), now celebrated as the Feast of the Annunciation.

Christmas is also an apple from eden for businesses,with everyone going on a shopping spree the likes of which is never seen at any other time of the year.Sales of everything skyrocket and businesses get to flash a billion dollar smile.

In the end everyone goes home happy for presents and eggnog and christmas carrols,atleast on one side of the world.For the great majority of people on earth x-mas will be no merrier than the rest of the year has already been- what with famine & poverty & conflicts & suffering rampant and still going strong! Oh Yes Sirree! a lot of Ho Ho and merrying going on..There indeed is much to celebrate..

Listen to me,babbling a lot of nonsense..Ol' scrooge himself coudn't have done a better job at screwing x-mas right? Ho Ho And a Merry Chrsitmas to all of you2


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