Cogito Ergo Sum

Singing at the center of your soul, Long may you dance across your inner stage, Regarding neither rectitude nor rage, Pursuing neither destiny nor goal Be, then, whatever person time will tell. Do what reason and the heart deem good. Take whatever will or fortune would, Always west of heaven, east of hell. Lets Blog On !!

Monday, September 11, 2006

911 Remembered

[This is part 1 of a 4 part series titled '911:THE ISRAELI CONNECTION' aired on FOX.To see the rest click LINK]

Five years ago to this day, the world as we know it changed...

Not really. Write 'OPERATION NORTHWOOD' on Wiki and you’ll see what I mean.

Once the 'shock and awe ' of Sept 11th had elapsed, one begins to question; NOT 'who' or 'why', but 'how?’ To the first two Q's we have long been prepped; Islamic terrorists (now Islamic Fascists), who hate our freedom, led by Osama, came down from their caves in the Bora Bora, a cavalry of bearded Jihadists chanting 'God is Great and Death to America’. They had managed to devise and implement a plan so devious and so sophisticated. Wait that's not right!..Sophisticated?? Maybe just very very lucky then! After all how could a renegade of bearded mullahs infiltrate the most powerful nation in the Universe (Life as we know it exists only on Earth) and train within it's borders and unleash a deadly attack on it's centers of commerce and power, in a perfectly synchronized fashion and with military precision? And what of the Grand Finale’; How does one explain the perfect collapse of the two towers? Was it just me, or did it not look an awful lot like a controlled demolition? You know, the crunch in the middle followed by the classic fall? Are we supposed to believe that 110 storey’s of concrete and steel came raining down because a plane crashed into it, and that too not into its foundation? (A foundation, which by the way goes some 7storeys down!) The official explanation being jet fuel caused the iron rods to melt; when there are dozens of recorded cases of skyscrapers catching fire, sometimes burning for 18hours nonstop and they never collapsed? And what of the collapse of the infamous Building 7(it's actually never been aired on prime time TV)? Why did this sister dwarf of the WTC collapse when it was never hit by a plane, and that too in a smooth fall? (Just like when a foundation gives away and the rest just follows). Building 7 was just grazed on the side.

And this goes on and on...So WHO was responsible?

There is mounting evidence that the events of 9/11 had little or nothing to do with freedom hating Moslems and a lot more to do with a 'Neocon Oil mafia ' currently in office in the White House and what has been called the 'Invisible Government'

The Invisible Government & 9/11 Synthetic Terror

Lifting The Curtain On The Invisible Government

The claims that OBL had been behind the attacks has long been refuted [1,2,3], also see

The heinous act of 911 was but the necessary first step towards achieving the Neoconservatives dream of total and absolute control (George Orwell must be rolling in his grave now)! To Dubya Bush it also meant Energy security, to his Master, The Dick Cheney, it also meant more shares in Halliburton, The Carlyle Group etc.

For someone who's knowledge of International Politics is limited to what he glimpses on CNN as he quickly skips to ESPN, this may seem absurd; the idea that 911 was probably carefully orchestrated by elements within the US Government and possibly some of it's allies (namely mossad)...However there is a wide body of evidence to this effect; don’t take my word for it, see for yourself! The video links given below will open your eyes and hopefully you will also manage to 'unplug' from the matrix of media control and the lies that have been fed to us..

There is a growing movement in the United States itself, Not in the Arab world mind you, comprising many scholars, prominent Physicists and politicians who have accused their Government of having a hand in 911...

CSPAN Coverage of 911 Truth Conference 07292006 1of4 (WMV 47megs)

CSPAN Coverage of 911 Truth Conference 07292006 2of4 (WMV 47megs)

CSPAN Coverage of 911 Truth Conference 07292006 3of4 (WMV 47megs)

CSPAN Coverage of 911 Truth Conference 07292006 4of4 (WMV 47megs)

Audemus jura nostra defendere "we dare to defend our rights"

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