Cogito Ergo Sum

Singing at the center of your soul, Long may you dance across your inner stage, Regarding neither rectitude nor rage, Pursuing neither destiny nor goal Be, then, whatever person time will tell. Do what reason and the heart deem good. Take whatever will or fortune would, Always west of heaven, east of hell. Lets Blog On !!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

George Carlin - Who Really Controls America

Recently I had participated in an online forum on American "intervention " in other parts of the world. The debate centered around a group of American college students who argued that America was still a force for good and that it's 'altruism' and 'selfless "help"' continues to make the world a safer place, freed of "Radical Islam" & "Terrorism", where 'Democracy' and 'Freedom' prevails under the bastion of the Liberty Flag.
I could hardly contain myself.
Here's one response to the "Help" America has been so good to extend to the "oppressed".

I’m sure that the 90% of all Iraqi Christians who have been killed or exiled since the American invasion of Iraq appreciate our “help.” I’m sure that the millions of Iraqis who have fled their native country since the arrival of the Americans appreciate our “help.” I’m sure that the thousands of Iraqi translators who assisted Americans but have not been allowed to emigrate to the U. S. when their lives were threatened appreciate our “help.” I’m sure that the thousands of innocent Iraqis who were unjustly imprisoned, tortured, and in some cases killed by American mercenaries (such as those employed by Blackwater) and U. S. soldiers appreciate our “help.” I’m sure that the thousands of Iraqi children orphaned and/or maimed as a result of our bombing of their country appreciate our “help.” I’m sure that all Iraqis appreciate the fact that they have less electricity, fuel, and potable water now than they did under Saddam since we came to “help” them.

The ones who do truly appreciate the U. S. invasion and occupation of Iraq are 1. the Chinese government, which is loaning us money to continue this war, 2. the members of OPEC, who have seen all-time high oil prices since the Iraq oil fields cannot operate at full capacity, and 3. the Shiite government in Iran, which is delighted that America overthrew its natural enemy, the Sunni Saddam Hussein, and which is delighted that now a friendly Shiite government is installed in Iraq.

Slowly but surely, Americans are waking up to the reality that their Nation is no longer run by them. Their government by Zionists & other Special Interest Groups; It's halls of power in Washington are infested with lobby groups tirelessly working to further the agendas of International corporations, from Defence Contractors to Oils Giants.
All hovering over the carcass of a once great nation which had stood on the shoulders of great visionaries, scavenging for a bigger piece of the spoils from the countless wars it wrecks on other lands. The 'Founding fathers'
who had championed for the rights of the Individual, fought justly against the oppression of the British Empire and it's cabal of European Monarchs, now stir in their graves.Their dream of a free & prosperous people was short lived and had faded into history with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln(refer).

And while America continues to be a superpower in terms of military spending, it lags behind in almost everything else compared to its European & first world counterparts, be it Health care(sicko), social welfare or anything to do with taking care of it's own. Today it is no more than a bully, a terrifying abomination on it's own people( Americans fear Big Brother more than any other citizenry in the liberal world fear their own government) and the rest of the world(1).
While it's citizens continue to foot the bill in terms of trillions in tax dollars, and while they are kept intoxicated on limitless freedoms(except political freedom of course; an illusion of democratic institutes suffices) it has been overrun with a Chinese and Indian skilled workforce. Meanwhile the Home of the Brave-Land of the free has become Home of the lame-Land of the obese.

Even politicians have begun to sense this stirring of unease among the working class Americans, and have started to inculcate such terms as corporate greed and SIG's into their political mambo jumbo( take Obama and his recent speech "Towards a more perfect union").

All the while the rest of the world suffocates beneath it's feet, and we are having to apologize even for that. No one can say it better than Arundhati Roy-

In the last ten years of unbridled corporate globalisation the worlds average income has increased by an average of 2.5% per year. And yet the number of poor in the world has increased by 100 million. Of the top 100 biggest economies, fifty one are corporations, not countries. The top 1 percent of the world has the same combined income as the bottom 57 per cent and the disparity is growing. Now, under the spreading canopy of War against Terror, this process is being hustled along. The men in suits are in an unseemly hurry. While bombs rain down on us, and cruise missiles skid across the skies, while nuclear weapons are stockpiled to make the world a safer place, contracts are being signed, patents are being registered, oil pipelines are being laid, natural resources are being plundered, water is being privatized, and democracies are being undermined....Across the world as the free markets brazenly protects western markets and forces developing countries to lift their trade barriers, the poor are getting poorer and the rich richer

Following is an
invaluable Resource Center on War, the Arms Trade, Oil Politics, Israel; how connected everything is, and how irrelevant "Radical Islam" is as far as it being the root of all evil goes, as opposed to it being an invaluable tool in the War on Civil Liberties & Universal sovereignty.WORLD POLICY INSTITUTE

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