Its no secret how conveniently western media channels, like CNN, twist the facts in news reporting. Unfortunately few are aware of the fact that the major news channels in the United States are explicitly owned by just a handful of major corporations[1, 2, 3]; what this means is that the news that is reported from these channels is subject to unchecked manipulation, as befits the interests of the board of directors, who hold great influence and power over western policy makers, and who are inexplicably linked to the AIPAC. This is clearly evident from the utter bias in reporting on the Middle East conflicts. Take away the major cities, like New York Los Angeles Atlanta etc, and what you get is a 'Middle America' or what is called the 'Christian belt' which is generally oblivious to and ignorant of what is going on in the world and in Washington (most Americans can’t even find Iraq on a world map 4), and what little they know is what is fed to them from Channels like FOX.
These channels are what Dubya Bush and the AIPAC use to sell their lies to the wider, peace loving American public, to justify their 'wars on terror' and their campaigns to supposedly 'topple despotic regimes’. Their oil interests in the Middle East, expansion of the Jewish state and its security, illegal contracts to Halliburton, the fact that Dick Cheney is one of its major shareholders, the fact that Bush Sr. was and is still active in the oil Industry with shares in major oil corporations, these facts are never on the news except rarely and never subject to deep scrutiny, and that too almost never on a major channel. In fact almost every senior figure in the Bush administration is knee deep in oil [5,6,7,8]
On August 6th, 2006, in an interview with Sky News, Galloway , reiterated his support for Hezbollah, asserting that its actions in taking two Israeli soldiers were justified on the grounds of Israel's "24 year long illegal occupation of South Lebanon" and Israel's capturing of "many thousands of their compatriots as kidnapped hostages in their dungeons”. In response to the interviewer's claim that " Hezbollah is a terrorist organization", he said "that is not true" and that "Hezbollah is a Lebanese national resistance respected by the entire Arab nations, Muslims and Christians". He also stated that it was Rupert Murdoch's [9] media empire, which labelled them as terrorists. Additionally, Galloway affirmed, "In most people's eyes Israel is a terrorist state". He blamed the media for being biased towards Israel and portraying "the Israeli blood as more valuable than the blood of Lebanese or Palestinians" whether they realised or not.
He's a rare breed indeed..