Cogito Ergo Sum

Singing at the center of your soul, Long may you dance across your inner stage, Regarding neither rectitude nor rage, Pursuing neither destiny nor goal Be, then, whatever person time will tell. Do what reason and the heart deem good. Take whatever will or fortune would, Always west of heaven, east of hell. Lets Blog On !!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Money Masters - How International Bankers gained Control

The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in privatehands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole...Their secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, and republics the power to create the world's money

THE MONEY MASTERS is a 3 1/2 hour non-fiction, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure that rules our nation and the world today. The modern political power structure has its roots in the hidden manipulation and accumulation of gold and other forms of money. The development of fractional reserve banking practices in the 17th century brought to a cunning sophistication the secret techniques initially used by goldsmiths fraudulently to accumulate wealth. With the formation of the privately-owned Bank of England in 1694, the yoke of economic slavery to a privately-owned "central" bank was first forced upon the backs of an entire nation, not removed but only made heavier with the passing of the three centuries to our day. Nation after nation, including America, has fallen prey to this cabal of international central bankers.

3Hours 35min and 19seconds to awakening...

Take the Red Pill

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP

The Downing Street Memo is only the beginning of the proof we were all lied to

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Do The Maths: Why The Kids Aren't Alright

At least one in seven secondary schoolchildren has tried illegal drugs and a fifth of 10 to 15-year-olds regularly get drunk, it found.

The survey of more than 100,000 pupils for Ofsted also found that the biggest worry for most children was their exams.

:: 15% of children aged between 12 and 15 had experimented with illegal drugs - including heroin and cocaine

:: 48% had consumed alcohol, with one in five claiming to have been drunk at least once in the past four weeks

:: One in six 14 and 15-year-olds admitted to getting drunk at least three times in the previous four weeks

The survey also revealed that the vast majority (79%) of children wanted more fun and interesting lessons.

Four out of 10 pupils said they wanted quieter and better behaved classmates, and many were stressed about their schoolwork.

Pupils' biggest worry was exams, with 51% naming this as a key concern.

More than a quarter of older pupils were worried about sex and relationships.

But the survey also provided a more positive picture of children's health.

Most children considered themselves to be healthy and said they took part in exercise at least three times a week.

Nearly three-quarters said they had never smoked a cigarette, and 80% of older children said they had never tried illegal drugs.

Chief inspector of education Christine Gilbert urged ministers and schools to "look hard" at the findings.

"More needs to be done to address children and young people's worries and concerns about how safe they feel, exams and tests, and what would help them learn better," she said.

More on VIDEO

Friday, November 09, 2007


Following is an excerpt from an infamous online dossier by an M.A.Malek, titled Restoration of Faith.Next to the Qur'an I would say it is the most important written document on Islam.
For those among us who have chosen to abandon God/faith OR embrace it in magnanimous ignorance OR have quietly resigned to ones own selfishness and in turn have reduced one's sphere of thought to his/her immediate psychosocial niche, I guarantee you this document will change your life, or at the very least lay the groundwork for ones own journey to self-enlightenment.
Who knows maybe even, Nirvana :- )..
Certainly for me it has been a revelation, so to speak, confirming my worst fears with regards to the Prophet Muhammad's legacy(Hadith) and the bland disregard we have in fact given to God's final message(as I believe it to be)-The Qur'an, and by we I mean it's devout followers, not the dissolute.

Not at all lengthy, I would sincerely urge all to read it complete and assimilate at one's own speed it's thesis, and decide on one's own course in this life and for his/her progeny. For me personally there is no gain/loss what you make of anything, except maybe the persistence of internal chaos and distress at the realization that there is something very wrong with this world of ours and those Homo Sapien Sapiens that dominate all other life; and to add insult to injury, the general ignorance and obliviousness of the masses.

I would like to direct your attention especially to the following chapters,(in noway de-emphasizing the urgency of the other chapters):
*Topics apparently controversial
*The Implications of Hadith for Islam
*Economic system of the Qur'an


The present day's global economic control
This is an excerpt from the chapter ECONOMIC SYSTEM IN THE QURAN

"Every ideology has its basic underlying philosophy: Capitalism emphasises the individual 'free will', Communism equates the value of man with his productive capacity, and Modern Philosophy stresses the relativity of everything. The underlying philosophical notion of Islam is balance. When God created the world, everything was in its right place. Through the subsequent interaction of numerous entities and forces in the world, this order is continuously being disturbed. The balance will be lost, unless and until this imbalance is redressed, and humanity returned onto the right, straight and even path. This principle can be applied to all spheres of human experience. The over-rating of material advancement has stifled spiritual advancement; as a consequence, uncontrolled pollution has disturbed ecological equilibrium; greed has produced a world of contrasts through an unfair distribution of resources; the world's leading societies' careless comfort has brought war to the doorsteps of countless nations. In all these examples the visible imbalance can be equated with the injustice of some towards others. To restore the balance inevitably means fighting injustice. Islam, therefore, can never be a mere private religion practised in homes and monasteries. If it is not political, it is not Islam.

Present-day global economic control is a marvellous example of how the mind can be made to believe things that are not real. It started with the early goldsmiths who took people's valuables for safe keeping in their vaults. They soon started to realise that none of the depositors ever asked for all the money/or monies back, but withdrew small portions of it at a time, and they could safely lend the remainder of people's money against interest, as long as they kept enough to meet day-to-day demands. More than that, they could often get away with lending more than they had, as the recipient of a promissory note would not normally exchange it back into coin, but be happy with a title deed to coinage he thought was kept safely in the goldsmith's vaults. Thus, the goldsmiths became the first bankers and gradually, by way of deception, defrauded more and more people out of their hard-earned property. With the wide-spread use of paper money, cheques, plastic cards and electronic money transfers, this business has taken on gigantic proportions, and bankers now control all significant enterprises including governments. As, historically, the money-lending profession was forbidden to Christians, and still is, or should be, forbidden to Muslims, Jewish families were the first to establish themselves in this business and to date control it almost exclusively. Little surprise, therefore, that Zionism almost always gets its way with governments who find themselves in ever-increasing debt.

Western nations who pride themselves on their 'democracy' and 'freedom', yet whose attitudes and behaviour towards other nations often lack both of these virtues in the extreme. The reason for this is that the people who govern these countries can only stay in power by promising a constantly rising standard of living, which in most cases is achieved by robbing the Third World. Most of these rich nations behave like money sharks. They corrupt the people who rule the Third World countries by giving huge loans for imports which in most cases the country does not need but accepts under political coercion. Thus, huge debts are built up under pressure. The political leaders can do very little to resist, since they correctly surmise that they would be liquidated and then replaced by people who would again be subservient to the rich nations. Very often these Third World leaders are pressurised to hand out contracts to the foreign countries by accepting huge bribes as well as by taking an undisclosed share of the profits. This has made it impossible for any genuine Third World leader, who wants to improve the well being of his countrymen, to succeed.

If such leaders somehow survive, then they are branded as communist or undemocratic in the press and every possible pressure is applied to get rid of them. I would be failing in my duty not to mention this great exploitation and the tragic consequences that are bound to follow. The money lending, and the huge interest that is collected, are crippling these countries. A point has been reached where the cumulative interest payments outweigh the original loan and the debt has become so big that it would be impossible to pay back the original debts, so that the interest payments will go on forever. The loans are designed so that the money sharks can go on making money out of the miseries of the Third World. The Church seems to have nothing to say about this global problem. Below I quote from an article published in The Guardian of 9th Jan '87 by F. Clairmonte and J. Cavanagh on the unprecedented debt crisis facing the Third World. It is almost ten years since the article was published. The condition of Third World countries since then has gone from bad to worse, and the only reason for this, is the exploitation through the medium of interest payments, which the Qur'an forbids in no uncertain terms."
Continue onto
Unprecedented debt crisis facing the Third World


Useful links-

Unity of Man
Quranic Translation
Wisdom Fund Activists Library
An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Pilot Who Dropped the A-Bomb Didn't Know Japan Wanted To Surrender

Paul Tibbets piloted the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Unbeknownst to him and the American people at the time was the fact that the Japanese had already tried to surrender.
Follow this link to the original source: "Paul Tibbets, pilot who bombed Hiroshima, dies at 92 "

The Chicago Tribune's Walter Trohan was arguably America's most respected journalist sixty years ago. In a front-page article published by his newspaper on August 19, 1945, Trohan told of having access to a January 1945 peace offering from Japan. He explained that he and his newspaper could not publish what they knew at the time because they were cooperating with a censorship code requiring silence about military matters during wartime.

Once the war finally ended on August 15, 1945, Trohan related that, in January, President Roosevelt "received a Japanese offer identical with the terms subsequently concluded by his successor, President Truman." But FDR, who passed away in mid-April, did nothing and a few days later went to Yalta to meet with Churchill and Stalin.

Had the Japanese offer been accepted when presented in January, there would have been no enormously costly battles at Iwo Jima and Okinawa, no firebombing of Japanese cities by our air force, and no dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The war would have ended in the Pacific before all of those events took place, and its end would likely have speeded Germany's surrender that didn't come until several months later.

Colonel Paul Tibbets and his crew couldn't have known about Japan's January offer when they unleashed the horrible weapon on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Nor could Major Charles Sweeney and his B-29 crew have known about it when they dropped a second bomb on Nagasaki a few days later. The twin attacks cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians. The attitude held by most at the time insisted that the attacks were necessary to avoid the need for an invasion of mainland Japan and the loss of perhaps millions more. But that attitude was incorrect, though very few at the time knew that it was.

In her 1956 book The Enemy at His Back, journalist Elizabeth Churchill Brown supplied convincing commentary about the close of the war. One of many whose research confirmed the revelation supplied by Walter Trohan about the early Japanese desire to surrender, she wrote: "I quickly began to see why the war with Japan was unprecedented in all history. Here was an enemy who had been trying to surrender for almost a year before the conflict ended."

Why Japan's offer was not accepted can only be a matter for speculation. But, in an article written by this author and published in The New American magazine in August 1995 (the 50th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Japan), I suggested that the threat of nuclear terror made obvious by the bombings "has been used effectively to propel mankind � especially the United States � to the brink of world government."

The real winners of the war were the enemies of national sovereignty who were also promoters of the United Nations. Once the bombs were dropped, it became fashionable for internationalists everywhere to claim that nations can no longer be truly independent and peoples can no longer expect to exercise God-given freedoms. In his 1967 book Utopia: The Perennial Heresy, Professor Thomas Molnar agreed with our assessment when he wrote: "Political leaders, fearful of the final cataclysm of nuclear annihilation, say that men must huddle together under a world government�." This argument can still be heard today.

The combination of assuring that the bloody war in the Pacific would continue for seven more months, and the decision, made at the top levels of our government, to use frightfully horrific nuclear weapons on non-combatant Japanese, has to be considered one of the most horrible crimes in all history.

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