The video is a documentary by the BBC, called 'Dangerous knowledge'
"If we are to believe the big narrative of today - a story increasingly engineered into mainstream thought - that the fate of humanity is now torn between random acts of terror and a planet in the throes of climatic meltdown - then perhaps it is time to steady our heartbeats for a moment and rewind the tape. Why are we a civilization continuously driven by panic and sensationalism? In the first instance it would behoove us to recall that we do in fact have the mother of all terror-tales underpinning our planetary cosmology, one rooted in fear and separation: cataclysm. And until we are able to view this pathology of origins with objectivity and then move beyond it’s unconscious grip - we will remain programmed to self-destruct.
The narrative has two aspects, both of them grim and isolationist: on the one hand that of origins: the big bang….black holes……dark matter…..and an entropic Universe forever expanding and collapsing from nothingness into nothingness. On the other hand the arc of human evolution studded with great horrors, calamity and unspeakable trauma. History and mythology perpetually remind us of these deluges, superquakes, stellar impacts, super-volcanoes, plagues and such. The creation myths of all cultures hark back to these seminal flash-points within the collective experience and formation of consciousness. Our modern politik is thus conjured within the framework of such myths - and our anal-intuited reflexive worldviews emerge with geometrical precision: flight or fight, survival of the fittest, who dares wins…..full spectrum dominance and so on.
There is a need for us to free ourselves from great chunks of our mythologies - as it is these nested projections of the zeitgeist which drive us further along a fear-based trajectory. Religious fundamentalism, nationalism, patriotism and spiritual and scientific dogma are all rooted in this primæval imperative.
Small wonder that the collective heart and mind of humanity is in such torment when we continue to usher in the framing of common knowledge on the back of such ghastly scientific and philosophical postulation. It is akin to packing children off to school with a lunchbox and a map directing them over the edge of a cliff. But what is worse is that once these theories are force-fed into the mainstream - they become gospel. Once they have become atrophied into the accepted model it becomes almost impossible to evolve the discipline and the inquiry any further. Academia, public perception and the mainstream scientific community stand like sentinels around these models - as if salvation depended on them. True scientific endeavor is thus quarterized and sidelined into extinction.
Today we observe a filamentary structure to the Universe - an interconnectedness which appears to link all form and motion across all interpretations of time and space with a limitless network of electrodynamic plasma strings. The ‘big bang’ theory does not accommodate this prime observation. We in fact observe many phenomena which contemporary science is unable to explain and yet can easily be described within the Electric-Universe model ie: heavy elements, the solar spectrum, the neutrino deficiency and variability, sunspots, sunspot migration and cycles, differential rotation by latitude and depth, magnetic field strength, solar atmosphere and density and so on. All these are natural consequences of the Electric-Universe model. And yet, proponents of models such as this which baulk against the status quo - in pursuit of honest scientific inquiry continue to be ostracized and ridiculed. This appears to be a time-honored tradition within critical strains of academia and the mainstream scientific community who it seems would sooner bypass facts rather than risk endangering funding-sources, accolades and the approbation of peers rooted in a blinkered paradigm.
The light-bulb and radio are just two of the incidental inventions of Nikolas Tesla - a man shunned by his contemporaries and whose works of astonishing genius were commandeered and then muffled by the capitalist devils of his day. Consigned to a penniless death at the age of 86 in a dirty hotel room in Paris this gentle Serb also invented the modern electric motor, basic laser and radar technology, neon, robotics, remote control, alternating currents, wireless communication, x-rays, cellular technology as well as star-wars tactical warfare over 100 years ago. Not only do we manage to overlook this legacy we even continue all too often to teach our children that folks like Thomas Edison and Marconi were the great inventors. Einstein was clearly a very great man - but he got it devastatingly wrong sometimes. And the wholesale intellectual reverence paid to him since his day has thwarted our journey in pursuit of true science and has instead merely embellished the most important inquiry of all with cult of celebrity and layman sensationalism. We teach our children lies and we know it.
Pioneers like Alton Harp and Velkikovsky despite being black-balled, deprived of funding and denied access to observatory time because of sound theoretical fact-finding endeavors still managed to successfully lead the way in articulating the case for an Electric-Universe - the only model which fills in all the gaps overlooked by our popular ‘expanding universe’ fairytale. A model moreover which beautifully articulates and embraces our universe and screams out ‘falsity’ at the desolate and fear-premised Big Bang model.
George Lemaitre commonly credited with the expanding Universe theory was a mathematician and also a high ranking member of the Catholic Church. It begs the question - was he simply trying to unify science and religion with the theoretical notion of a big bang…In the beginning there was light….and so on. This is not to disavow scriptures - merely to highlight the fact that mans linear interpretation of it can become literal and therefore infantile. There are dangers in remaining trapped within the constraints of such mythically inspired conceptual frameworks.
Where the ‘black hole’ theory does not stand up to much scrutiny it can at least can be described by plasma processes, which even explain our astronomical observations more effectively.The Electric-Universe model is now leading us to discoveries which thread together modern astronomy, plasma-physics and ancient mythology. Surely this is cause for celebration. Instead we insist on drumming out the usual suspects in our great fiction: dark energy, black holes, sunspots, strings, WIMP’s, MACHO’s, neutron stars et al. All of these neatly fit to become the backbone to untenable theories.
One of the grotesqueries of the current paradigm is that the public are continuously told that only ‘experts’ are able to understand the complexities of cosmology (notions such as warped 11-dimensional space, inflatons, Heteronic-M theory, dark matter etc.). The truth of the matter is that much of this intellectual complexity is sheer guff and is the net result of generations of scientific minds - often dislocated from any spiritual maturity, posing questions which simply cannot be answered with a square-rule and an algorithm.
Are we unable instead to sit upon the floor, priest and physicist alike - and agree that - where the facts do not appear to stack up we should make a real effort to avoid filling in the blanks with postulations of wishful thinking coupled with religious undertones. Had this been the case heretofore it is certain that millions should not have died in the rivers of blood which religion has wrought on humanity. Were this the case - our knowledge of ourselves would not be at the threshold of it’s great undoing after centuries of pompous intellectual and scientific assertion backed up by fearful myths and creation stories which do nothing to outline reality and everything to perpetrate ignorance, dogma and linear thinking.
Should it not concern us that our expanding Universe theory is predicated on the ‘red-shift’ (Doppler effect) assumption - an assumption we now know to be invalid and which has recently been hauled off it’s pedestal. Should we not slam our conceptual gears into reverse and head in the opposite direction or at least shrug our shoulders and confess that the common model is wrong? That we continue teaching kids from Michigan to Mozambique a theory of everything which we know to be rank impossibility. Proponents of the Electric-Universe believe so - and are poised to recalibrate the entire orientation of modern science as a result. An orientation which does everything to illustrate a geometrically precise, aesthetically resonant and elegantly conceived Universe which is not hurtling into deep space, becoming ever colder and more desolate and disconnected from it’s parts - but quite the opposite. The model illustrates a sublime interconnectedness, with a harmonious and concordant symbiosis - all the qualities which a heart and mind freed from bullshit might dream up on a perfect day.
This - is the fork in the road. Like all the great human paradoxes - it requires nothing more than an honest glance in the mirror to determine which road we take. That glance should at least remind us that we know little if nothing of our supreme origin nor yet our destination. In this place - of conscious unknowing - we may just find our greatest wisdom. Because it is in this place, where we lay down the armory of conceit, of pride and the machinations of ego - that Grace ever emerges."
By Sacha Stone